We gather in cell groups to share lives, grow together, love one another, and know Jesus. (Acts 4:32).

One of GMC’s core values is to love each other as Jesus loved us.
And we strive to do this by meeting routinely in cell groups.
We meet monthly at various locations and at various times.

Join a cell group

Cell Groups & Leaders

  • Fanny & Alisa


  • Gospel Mission Church, English Ministry, New Jersey, Young adults, Korean American, Pastor James Lee, Cell Groups

    Harry & Bianca

    Married • Sunday • Fort Lee

  • James & Bob

    Men’s • Fort Lee

  • Mike & Yuri

    Married • Sunday • Saddle Brook

  • Nina

    Women’s • Saturday • Woodland Park

  • Gospel Mission Church, English Ministry, New Jersey, Young adults, Korean American, Pastor James Lee, Cell Groups

    Ray & Soyeon

    Married • Friday • Ridgewood

  • Gospel Mission Church, English Ministry, New Jersey, Young adults, Korean American, Pastor James Lee, Cell Groups

    Sophie & Christine

    Women’s • Fri/Sat • Fort Lee