Sign Up Here!

  • First Time at GMC?

    Welcome to GMC! If this is your first time visiting, please fill out this form. We’d love to connect with you.

  • Cell Group

    If you’d like to join a cell group, please fill out this form.

  • Ministry Teams

    Sign up to join a committee team here where you can serve and grow with GMC.

  • Member Directory

    If you’ve been attending GMC for a while now, please fill out this form to be included in our member directory.

  • Prayer Request

    If you are in need of prayer, please submit any requests here. All requests will remain confidential.

  • Missions

    If you are interested in any of the mission trips, please fill out this interest form.

  • General Info

    If you have general questions or would like more information about GMC, please fill out the form here.

  • Reimbursement Form

    Reimbursement form for approved purchases. Please print and fill out for each vendor. Then submit to Finance.