About Gospel Mission Church

New Jersey Gospel Mission Church (NJGMC) is a non-denominational missional church currently located in Paramus, New Jersey. We are a multi-generational congregation and although mainly comprised of Korean and Korean American believers, the church is continuing to grow in number and cultural diversity.

The English-speaking Ministry (EM) is comprised of English-speaking college students, young adults, singles, married couples, and families. From students to the older adult demographic, our EM strives to grow and mature into a ministry that is firmly rooted in the Gospel and committed to a mission-focused approach.

Why do we call ourselves "EM or English Ministry" instead of a more creative name? It's because we wholeheartedly embrace the vision of ONE GMC led by our Senior Pastor. We may be referred to as EM, but we are Gospel Mission Church.

Our Beliefs

We affirm and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Owner of our church, and we are all committed to embracing a strong conviction to stand against any false teachings or false teachers.

We believe in the Bible as the living Word of God, filled with truth, guidance, and revelations. We firmly believe that the Bible serves as the supreme authority for the Church, encompassing perspectives on matters such as marriage, sexuality, gender, and life-affirming choices. We are unwavering in our commitment not to compromise the Word of God to fleeting trends.

We believe in the profound presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit, shaping our mission to lead lives of faith, love, and purpose. Through prayer, community, and understanding, we seek to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts, allowing its wisdom and grace to inspire us to make a difference in the world. Our firm belief is that we are called to be vessels of the Holy Spirit's love, spreading compassion, kindness, and joy to all, and nurturing a deeper connection with God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Our Vision

GMC is committed to proclaiming and living out the true Gospel. The Gospel is this: that Jesus Christ died on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. And through His death, He offers the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him and accept His gift of salvation. Indeed, for it is by grace that we are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by our own works or merit. This grace is a free gift from God, demonstrating His boundless love and mercy towards us. The Gospel is at the center of our worship, preaching, teaching, and is the core of our nurturing relational endeavors. We are being transformed by the Gospel as we engage in the Word and prayer every day.

Gospel Centered Church

Next Generational Church

GMC is committed to nurturing the faith of the next generation. Our mission is to raise up future leaders, rooted in their Christian faith, who will have personal encounters with Jesus and boldly confront the world's trials.

Caring Church

GMC is committed to fostering the well-being of families and nurturing strong individual character. Our members are provided with counseling sessions and training programs to strengthen relationships.

Spiritual Family Church

GMC is committed to building a genuine spiritual family through cell groups. Our church gathers in cell groups to worship, rejoice and mourn together. The bonds of fellowship are strengthened as we build a true spiritual family in Christ.

Missional Church

GMC is committed to advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth. Our church commissions over 20 local and international missionaries to proclaim the Gospel. Short term mission teams are trained and commissioned for this purpose.