What is QTin?

At GMC, we are committed to embracing the transformative power of the Holy Bible as our guiding light and source of spiritual wisdom. Our mission is to inspire and equip our congregation to read, study, and apply the Word of God in their lives, recognizing its profound significance in our journey of faith and personal growth. We believe that the Bible is not just a book, but the living Word of God, filled with truth, guidance, and revelations. It is through the regular and thoughtful reading of the Bible that we deepen our relationship with God, gain insight into His will for our lives, and find comfort and strength in times of joy and adversity.

QTin is the monthly devotional book GMC utilizes to study the Word of God. It offers a unique perspective on the Bible, emphasizing the redemptive history and the adoption of biblical values. Originally in Korean, a team of 30 writers and editors came together to produce the English version for English-speaking believers. A version for teens and kids is also available!

In each issue, you'll find a daily meditation guide, genuine personal testimonies of confession and repentance, and guidance on living a holy life within the Gospel's framework. Weekly Group QT Sharing (GQS) guides are also included and used in our cell group gatherings. These GQS’ and cell group gatherings are meant to foster the growth of a genuine community with deeper engagement in faith.

The books are available for purchase for $8 per month.

You may contact QTin coordinator Claire Han for more information.